Bits and Bobs, but mostly Bobs

Spent the last few days mostly on my own being ill. At least the view outside the kitchen window is pretty.

Figure from the remarkable collection of architectural fragments at Elgin Cathedral. I took this photo in February, but only just got round to developing the film.

medieval sculpture of figure holding heraldic shield

Starlings were eating rowan berries in the garden this afternoon.

starling with a rowan berry in its beak

Met this anxiety filled couple at the Burrell Collection in Glasgow this morning. Apparently they have come over from Spain.

Medieval carvings of St John the Baptist and Mary

A self-sown sunflower in the vegetable patch. Hopefully there’ll be more next year.

sunflower gone to seed

Colchicums coming out in the sun

Colchicums growing in my garden

Pittencrieff Park, Dunfermline in February.

Snowy path in the park with footprints

The Wallace monument, Stirling in silhouette against the winter sky back in March.

Wallace monument in the distance against the sky.

Some earth, or, if you prefer, a bit of the Earth from just a few cm.

Photograph of bare earth.

Thorny gooseberry with baby berries.

Branch of gooseberry bush showing thorns, flowers and baby berries.

Experimental image made with homemade RTI (Reflectance Transformation Imaging) setup. The aim is to make indistinct details on objects clearer, here on a white 19th century clay tobacco pipe.

Enhanced photo of clay tobacco pipe showing sailing ship in storm.

A photo of a photo (negative) of me taking a photo of myself. The camera viewfinder shows a mirror image, so looking into the mirror I saw myself the right way round.

Part of a late Victorian/Edwardian electrical switch excavated along with some of the wiring in a local graveyard in 2015.

Another none too recent view from Calton Hill

Another old film developed

I have had another go at film development. This time a colour film taken some time ago on an old Yashicamat I inherited from my father-in-law. There are only 12 exposures to a film, but 6cm square, so much larger than 35mm.

My expectations for the experiment were set low, but I was pleased with the results. This image was taken from Calton Hill looking across the city of Edinburgh to the old town and castle. Edinburgh is blessed with a number of hilly vantage points. This one is steep, but well worth the effort.

I am not sure how long ago the photo was taken, but the cranes on the right have been gone for some months now.

Another photo, no longer out of time

I have looked at the rest of the film I developed the other day. This image comes before the beach scene I already posted and I actually recall taking this one. It was in Kelvingrove Park, Glasgow, spring last year. The lockdown had been relaxed and people were able to meet outside, in public, with a few friends or family from another household. It was a warm, spring day; my partner and I met up with our son and his partner for a picnic, carefully distanced from other folk doing the same thing. I remember it was quite exhilerating, scary even.

Snowdrops starting to appear in the garden now

A beach out of time

I finally got round to developing a couple of the films I took sometime between 2019 and 2021. I know this is the beach at Burntisland in Scotland, but that is all. There aren’t leaves on the nearest bushes - so not summer!

People on the beach at Burntisland