Bits and Bobs, but mostly Bobs

@mbkriegh Thanks very much. Not sure that my timing was good exactly; I'd been meaning to take the photos for a couple of days, but naturally left it until the last possible minute.

@mseab It does have certain rustic charm, especially when you make the effort to clip out the barbed wire fence immediately in front of it :)

@smokey Probably baby mammoths. They spend their days hiding in the trees and then climb down in the dead of night to forage for Christmas leftovers. They have evolved to look like squirrels and leave tracks remarkably like deer, thus fooling most people into believing that they are extinct. Truly remarkable creatures. Happy New Year too :)

@smokey Aha! Well, I began as a historian myself, but I like being outside in the rain, covered in mud, so it seemed sensible to switch.

@smokey awww, heโ€™s a sweetie and so good with children ๐Ÿ™‚ Anyway, thanks for making contact. Really good to know that there are a few more of us here.